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Getting the Most Out of Your General Contractor

If you are thinking about hiring a general contractor, you should read my blog before you pick up the phone or send that email. I am not a general contractor myself, but I have just finished restoring my home. It was a big project that involved working with multiple contractors over an extended period of time. Although I am not a professional, I learnt an awful lot about how to get the most out of a team of contractors and how to keep a project on schedule and under budget. I also learnt a thing or two about the work they were carrying out.



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Getting the Most Out of Your General Contractor


Why it pays to get help with your subdivision

If you own a large piece of land, you can often realise more value from the property by splitting it into subdivisions and creating a number of smaller lots. One of the reasons why more landowners do not take advantage of the benefits that creating land subdivisions can bring is that they believe that the process of creating subdivisions is too complex and time consuming to make it worth their while.